Saturday, 27 February 2016

Short History of Instagram

I got this info from a website when Instagram was five years old in 2015. It’s amazing how this start-up which started small has taken over the globe just in less than six years. Its small history shows how a little thing you start can lead up to something huge one day. Keep believing in your dreams even if no one does because your dreams are your ticket to live a life of purpose

Here is Instgram's awesome moments in numbers:
·         On day 1, they had 25,000 sign-ups. Today, they have overtaken Twitter to have over 400 million users. Even by tech standards, this is huge.
·         Instagram had only 6 engineers in 2011 up until it was purchased by Facebook in 2012. Consider the fact that they had about 10 million users at the time.
·         Facebook paid $1 billion for Instagram, and its 13 employees. Though the deal was around $300 million in cash and the rest in Facebook stock. To put it simply, thats $77 million paid for the company per employee.
·         There are about 40 billion photos which have been shared on Instagram; which works out as roughly 100 photos per active account.
·         Instagram gets 3.5 billion likes every single day.
·         The most liked image is Kendall Jenner’s heart-shaped hair selfie, which got 3.1 million likes in less than five months.
·         On average, more than 80 million photos are uploaded to Instagram on a daily basis.
·         Taylor Swift has the largest follower-count with 49 million followers. That means over 10% of people on Instagram follow Swift.

Instagram is just another one of the successful stories of start-ups that are out there. We will be bringing you so much more.

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